You are not limited to XE how ever - There's a bunch of Pre-Built Developer VMs for Oracle VM VirtualBox too, including Oracle EE. You can install Oracle 11g XE into a LINUX or a windows OS that way. Now, You can connect to Oracle Application Express web management console with bellow settings (Optional) URL: workspace: INTERNAL user: ADMIN password: oracle Now you are done with the Oracle Database setup. Install Oracle VM Virtualbox and run a version of the Oracle database on a supported OS of your choosing. Ive also included a few personal database tools as well. Run below command to oand 8080 ports $ docker run -d -p 49160:22 -p 1521:1521 -p 8080:8080 xrdj6c/oracle-11g-xe iii. Heres an overview of some of the best free and open source database software tools for Macs. Open terminal and run following commnad to install the oracle-11g-xe $ docker pull xrdj6c/oracle-11g-xe ii. Install Docker Toolbox(Optional) - To download the latest version of Docker Toolbox, go to Toolbox Releases and download the latest.Install and run Docker Desktop for Mac from here.
But we can have Oracle Database installed with the help of a Dokcer Images or Virtual Machine. We can use Oracle’s Clients but Oracle Database is not supported. Oracle made a decision that not to support macOS anymore, presumably because it wasn’t used enough to justify the costs involved. We can’t install the Oracle Database server software directly on macOS.